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 Assign the responsibility for regulating the digital request to a new single civil agency and anon-governmental tone-nonsupervisory association analogous to the traditional request.


 Cover digital asset holders from fraud and request manipulation, and bear exposure of information to increase translucency 加密货币.

 In general, Coinbase stated in its policy report that it needs" clear and comprehensive styles to regulate digital means and conduct applicable monitoring". It stated that regulation needs to fete how technology can profit the public, and advised that the United States has “ lagged” behind other governments in developing comprehensive digital asset regulation.

Shirzad said in an earlier conference call that the company has met with about three dozen parliamentarian services and several agencies to bandy colorful aspects of the offer. He said that so far, Capitol Hill's feedback has been" hello."

"I suppose what we allowed was in the end, because our offer is only the morning of the dialogue, and it makes sense for us not to compromise on the core principles that we suppose people and policymakers should consider,"he said 区块链. Said in an earlier phone call with journalists.

 Shirzad said"We started where numerous people started, using the diversity of being nonsupervisory agencies, and trying to figure out the lowest surgery that can be done to make effects work."" Also there's a moment, perhaps three or four. A week ago, we just looked at each other (and) we said that further trouble is demanded to try to acclimatize to the current system grounded on the old request structure-I want to say-further intellectual trouble than starting from scrape."

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